Dan Aldridge, MP for Weston-super-Mare
Dan Aldridge, MP for Weston-super-Mare

We are the Labour Party in Weston-super-Mare

In 2024, Weston elected its first Labour MP, Dan Aldridge. Dan and the Labour government was elected on a mandate of change and Dan has energetically set about making Westminster work for Weston. You won’t see him only at election time. He is out knocking on doors and talking to people on a regular basis.

Weston-super-Mare Labour Party covers Weston, Worle and the Villages. Labour Weston elected its first Labour MP, Dan Aldridge in 2024.

Dan Aldridge lives in Weston and is committed to change. He understands what it means to live in a seaside town. He is determined to fight for the resources needed to bring investment, jobs and infrastructure to Weston.

We deserve better, and now have the chance to make history with a Labour MP for Weston-super-Mare.

Our Labour councillors represent your voice locally. Currently, we have eight Labour councillors elected to North Somerset Council, including the deputy leader, and fourteen councillors elected to Weston-super-Mare Town Council.

Join the change now. Become a member, donate or volunteer your time. Please get in touch and be part of the change. Meet Dan here Facebook


Labour has a strong record of standing up for residents and getting things done. Labour are the party with the most council seats in Weston-super-Mare and we're the only party that can beat the Tories locally. Cllr Catherine Gibbons - Deputy Leader of North Somerset Council
Cllr Catherine Gibbons - Deputy Leader of North Somerset Council

This area means a lot to us; we represent it, we live here, we work here and we want the best for it. We’re fighting for residents locally and we’re also fighting to secure a Labour government and to elect a Labour MP to Weston-super-Mare!

Throughout Weston-super-Mare there are local Labour councillors representing you, find out more about them below.

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